Resources and Opportunities

Students of 买球平台 are encouraged to spend a summer or semester abroad studying the language in its native environment.  Bowdoin students have traveled to locales as diverse as Fez, 亚历山大, 耶路撒冷, 安曼, 贝鲁特, Rabat and Cairo to immerse themselves in the study of this challenging language.
This summer I spent two months in the West Bank. During the second month I lived in Beit Sahour (right outside of Bethlehem) with a family while I participated in a cultural immersion program. The program was run by the Siraj Center, an alternative travel center, and included language classes in colloquial 买球平台, 烹饪课, lectures on politics and culture, and a volunteer position at a center for the developmentally disabled, Al-Malath. During the weekends we traveled to different towns throughout the West Bank and I participated in some political demonstrations. It was an great month and a truly amazing way to experience the country.
Rami Stucky, Class of 2014
I really enjoyed the diversity of Lebanon. Apart from immigrants from the 买球平台 speaking world, Lebanon has a whole range of South-East Asian and East African immigrants. In terms of Arab immigrants in Lebanon, there are tons of Syrians, Palestinians and Sudanese. The cool thing about being in 贝鲁特 is becoming accustomed to and hearing the nuances of different dialects in the middle of the street.

萨拉姆! I spent a wonderful semester in Rabat learning first hand the endless hospitality of the Moroccan people. Through SIT I had the opportunity to live with a host family, conduct independent research, and improve my 买球平台 skills. 

Program excursions ranged from the dunes of Merzouga to the streets of Marrakesh.  I came home with a strengthened curiosity for international perspectives and a love of sweet mint tea.

In the summer of 2011, I took part in a study abroad program in Fez, the cultural center of Morocco.  Weekday classes and weekend excursions allowed me both to improve my 买球平台 with native speakers and experience a unique culture firsthand.  We attended the grand opening of the Fez Sacred Music Festival in Bab Makina and Sufi performances, which were like nothing I had ever heard before.  This was one of the more fulfilling experiences I have had;  meeting both fellow students and Moroccan residents gave me a diverse sampling of individual perspectives, some of which would not be found outside the region I visited.  总之, I found that being immersed in a culture alien to oneself is not to be balked at, 但是拥抱.
Grace Klein, Class of 2013
Grace Klein '13
Just across the Atlantic and a couple hours from Spain is a country where society functions according to a different set of social norms.  The 买球平台 instruction I received on my program in Rabat, Morocco helped me better engage with the events I saw and the people I met, and really learn through cross-cultural exchange.  It inspired me to keep learning, and now I’m on an even faster track to becoming fluent as an 买球平台 student here at Bowdoin.
Michael Mort, Class of 2012
买球平台 has been a staple of my education at Bowdoin.  After two years of study, I decided to take it abroad for a life-changing year in 耶路撒冷. Little did I know the Arab Spring would erupt across the region during my stay, making my year abroad even more special and dispelling any doubt that 买球平台 would be of great use in the future.

Studying abroad in 安曼, 约旦 was a truly unique experience.  I immersed myself in a unique Middle Eastern culture with interesting traditions and delectable food.  此外, 约旦, 位于黎凡特, is a central location to travel to other countries in the region.  I was able to travel to Egypt, the Palestinian territories, and Israel.  最重要的是, my language skills improved immensely, especially my ability to communicate in the spoken dialects.

Read more about Adam's travels in the Bowdoin Orient »

Anna Ackerman, class of 2012
Studying abroad in Rabat, Morocco was a terrific experience.  I lived with a host family in the old medina of Rabat – a walled-off section of the city with eager vendors lining the streets, 饥饿的流浪猫, tourists visiting from all over the world, surfers strolling back from the beach iun their wetsuits, and the hum of the call to prayer five times a day.  I studied intermediate 买球平台 for three hours every morning, and took seminars on human rights issues in the afternoon at the Cross Cultural Learning Center.  My time in Morocco opened my eyes to peaceful political protest and the emergence of the Arab Spring, obvious gender inequalities, 和伊斯兰教.  I made a host of Moroccan friends through the surf club that I joined, and through running at the local track in Fez.